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Pytania i odpowiedzi
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    To enter the university the applicant needs to follow these steps:

    • Fill in the electronic recruitment form available on the university website.
    • Go to the ‘Required Documents’ tab and complete all required documents except the fee.
    • Within 7 working days you will receive an email from us regarding the tuition fees. (conditional acceptance letter)
    • Before paying you need to confirm your English B1 level. 
    • The set of documents related to the visa procedure will be issued and sent via e-mail within 14 working days.
    • After receiving the visa and arriving in Poland, you should report to Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National Louis University based in Nowy Sącz ( 27 Zielona St., room 023C ) to arrange formal matters and provide missing documents.
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