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    The place of professional practice depends on the field of study. What does it mean?

    In the field of Management and Computer Science, Students may do their internship in organizations provided by the University, in places proposed by Students (pursuant to the rules set out in the Regulations of Apprenticeships) or apply for professional experience to be taken into account instead of internships (pursuant to the rules set out in the Regulations of Apprenticeships).

    In addition, in the field of Psychology, a necessary condition to be met by the institution accepting the student for practice is the employment or cooperation of this institution with a certified psychologist who will provide substantive care over the student undergoing practice. Such a person must also be indicated as the supervisor of the professional practice.

    Psychology students have full freedom in choosing the place of their practice. We propose:

    • primary and secondary schools
    • kindergarten
    • psychological and pedagogical counseling centres
    • Family Support Centers or Social Welfare Centres, Adoption Centres
    • Private and state psychological offices
    • Hospitals, including psychiatric care units
    • Foundations and Associations
    • Hospice, Neurological Rehabilitation Centres
    • Training companies
    • Occupational therapy workshops and Associations working for the Disabled
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