Karaganda Buketov University

Karaganda University named after Buketov

Karaganda University was founded in 1938. The University is accredited by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, which is included in the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education EQAR and the National Register No. 1 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2010, the university entered the QS World Universities Rankings for the first time. At the moment, more than 12,000 students study at the university in 13 faculties.

As a result of an agreement between Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National Louis University and Karaganda University named after Buketov, an agreement was signed on a double degree program, in part-time study with a specialization in management in Russian.

The master's level in Poland lasts 4 semesters, but thanks to the program, students and graduates of KarU can receive a WSB-NLU master's degree in just 2 semesters. Also the undergraduate program can be reduced to one year of study.

Despite the fact that the study program is conducted in a distance form, the program provides for a visit of students for several weeks to Nowy Sacz (Poland) for internship and defense of the thesis.

Kontakt do koordynatora szkoleń dla firm
Contact details

Contact Karaganda University named after Buketov

Address: 100024, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, st. University, 28
Phone: +7721256398
E-mail: office@buketov.edu.kz
University website: www.buketov.edu.kz

International Relations Office in WSB-NLU

Address: Poland, Nowy Sącz, ul. Zielona 27 C
Phone: 18 44 99 102
WhatsApp: +48 605 566 257
Email: bwz@wsb-nlu.edu.pl
Mode: Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m till 3:00 p.m

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