LanguageCert digital badge on your LinkedIn profile or in your CV – your doorway to more job interviews

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If you're looking to make your LinkedIn profile stand out and boost your employability, one great way to do so is by adding a LanguageCert digital badge to your profile.

Language skills are highly valued in today's global economy, and by including a LanguageCert digital badge on your LinkedIn profile and/or CV, you're demonstrating to potential employers that you've taken the initiative to prove your language proficiency. This can be your major advantage for companies looking to expand their reach into new markets or work with international clients.

Including a digital badge on your LinkedIn profile can also make you a more attractive candidate for job interviews. Many companies use LinkedIn as a tool to pre-screen candidates before inviting them to interview, and having a LanguageCert digital badge on your profile can help you get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.

Not only does having a digital badge in your profile make you more attractive for job interviews but also indicate that you made the extra effort, which many employers appreciate and can be seen as a good indication of how dedicated and committed you are to your professional development.

Additionally, having a LanguageCert digital badge can help you command a higher salary. According to studies, people who can prove their foreign language skills can expect to earn more than those who don't. This is because they are perceived as more attractive employees since they don't require additional foreign language training and investment.

Overall, adding a LanguageCert digital badge to your LinkedIn profile can be a simple but powerful way to make your profile stand out, boost your employability, and showcase your language skills to potential employers. It's a small investment that can yield big rewards in terms of career advancement and earning potential.

Here’s what it looks like in practice:

Available on your LanguageCert account after a successful exam:

You can download, share or embed your digital badge!

Your digital badge fits right into the Licenses & Certifications section on LinkedIn – boost your visibility as a job candidate!

Here’s how you can register to take your exam and save! Use the promo code!

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