On-line Databases

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Twoja biblioteka – Twój wybór

Remote access to databases

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  • ACADEMICA - interlibrary loan system of scientific publications. Academica gives you access to over 2 million digital documents of the National Library of Poland, which include contemporary books and scientific journals in every field. In Academica you can also find newest textbooks, issues of scientific and professional journals, as well as source literature, fiction and special collections that are the subject of research themselves.
  • BAZEKON -bibliographic and full-text literature database in the field of economics and related disciplines, database is maintained by the Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics. It contains the bibliographical descriptions of articles in 400 Polish scientific journals, economic journals and series published by economic universities, economic-business faculties, scientific institutions as well as NGOs, published in Polish and English. The database offers access to nearly 80 thousand full-text articles.
  • BAZTECH - a database that records the content of Polish scientific journals and selected journals in the field of science and environmental protection. The database covers more than 500 titles of Polish journals, starting with publications in 1998. Selected articles are available in full-text mode.

  • CEJSH – The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities – electronic, open-access database publishing English abstracts of articles and reviews that appear mostly in national languages in scientific journals devoted to social sciences and humanities in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
  • EBSCOhost - databases made available under the national academic license. Since 2011, the license includes a basic package of 14 databases, including 7 full-text databases containing scientific journals of various publishers, books, newspapers and other publications: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition, Health Source - Consumer Edition, Master File Premier, Newspaper Source, Regional Business News and 7 bibliographic databases (abstract): Agricola, ERIC, GreenFILE, Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts, MEDLINE, European Views of the Americas, Teacher Reference Center. Information about remote access to the database is in CloudA after logging in and entering the "Library" tab.
  • ELSEVIER - Freedom Collection journals, including 1851 current titles with 1995 and 420 archival titles, 4 Lancet magazines and 1712 monographs from 2013 and 2014, and 803 volume of books and brochures from 2011-2015. Electronic versions of Elsevier journals are accessible through the Science Direct (SDOS) database, working on the ScienceServer (SS) on ICM. Since 2010 academic institutions have free access to the annually-renewed Freedom Collection including 1851 current titles with yearbooks from 1995 and archives of over 420 titles that are not continuing or continued under a different name. They are journals mainly in the fields of technical sciences, chemistry, physics and mathematics as well as natural and medical sciences. In the years 2015-2016, the Elsevier national license was extended to selected book packages: 1712 monographs from 2013 and 2014 and 803 volumes of book series or handbook series from 2011-2015. These books are available on the publisher's server, and in the future will be archived on the ICM server with the right of indefinite domestic access.
  • Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS) Poland - provides comprehensive and exhaustive information from over 6,500 publications along with long-term archives.
    Users have at their disposal, i.a.: complete financial statements of public and private companies, company profile data, statistics and sector reports, macroeconomic analyzes, macroeconomic data and analyzes obtained directly from leading national and international sources of information. In addition, the database includes full-text magazines such as Rzeczpospolita, Newsweek, Wprost, Puls Biznesu, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and others.
    The database can be used with computers in the university's network or remotely - through a virtual laboratory, at the link: www.emis.com. After entering the main page of the database, in the upper right corner of the page, press: "CLIENT LOG IN".
  • EUROSTAT - database created by the Statistical Office of the European Union. It contains information on various aspects of the economic and social life of the European Union: statistical data, reports and studies. The database contains publications and data are presented in English, French or German; from EU decision-makers, Member States, local authorities and business communities. The website is provided by the publisher free of charge.
  • IBUK LIBRA – the service provides access to electronic publications from the offer of PWN Scientific Publishers and other publications (1581 titles). Each user in the university network, after entering the website http://libra.ibuk.pl/ should get access to books in ibuk. Find a book using our search engine by entering the appropriate filters, then click on the selected publication to view information about the book along with viewing the content.
    In order to use the advanced functions of working with the book, click on "+ DODAJ DO PÓŁKI myIBUK" and create your personal myIBUK account. After the creation of the myIBUK account, the reader is always recognized by the system and can use those resources and functionalities to which he has permission. Required browser: Google Chrome, IE v.10 or Mozilla Firefox. In myIBUK account you can select text, enter bookmarks, notes, create a virtual bookshelf, generate a bibliography, use a dictionary and an encyclopedia.

    More information on how to use the website is available in the HELP and FAQ sections (bottom right corner on the libra.ibuk.pl website).
    Your reading list is available on the IBUK LIBRA website. In the CloudA system, after logging in and entering the "Library", each user will find their personal PIN - a code for remote access and may use the offer from home computers. Note: using the website http://libra.ibuk.pl we register first (we give you the e-mail address and password), and only then the system asks you for a PIN!

  • Ebooks in national licenses - the search engine includes all books available under the national licenses of Elsevier, Springer and Wiley. For now, you can view 77,497 English-language e-books published by Springer in the years from 2004 to 2018, 2515 e-books published by Elsevier in the years from  2011 to 2015 and 2449 e-books published by Wiley in 2009 and 2015. The search engine allows you to choose one of 31 subject areas and 209 subdivisions. The choice of the field is necessary. If the sub-domain is not selected, the whole field will be displayed.
  • Social Psychology - ebook available from computers at the university or through a virtual laboratory. (After clicking the link, do not enter the email, but press the button: "No thanks, I'll skip this step")
  • Local data bank - is Poland's largest database about the economy, society, demography, and the environment. It describes voivodships and parishes as subjects of state administration and social organization, as well as regions and sub-regions that are the basic forms of analysis in statistical overview. The LDB is operated and updated by the Central Statistical Office. The instruction for its use can be found here.
  • SPRINGER - multidisciplinary full-text database includes 2008 current magazines and 425 archival journals with all available archival archives (for about 1290 titles, deep archives for up to 1 volume are available), see catalog of journals for 2016 in the following fields of study: medicine, biology, biochemistry, engineering, chemistry, environmental science, computer science, economics, mathematics, physics, social sciences and the humanities, arts, management and marketing, psychology and others. Springer licenses are also available for archives of 26 Springer book series until 2008, totaling 10,558 volumes.
  • SCOPUS produced by Elsevier is an interdisciplinary database of abstracts and citations in the field of mathematical-natural sciences, technical, medical and humanities. Scopus currently covers about 23,000 peer-reviewed journals (including 3600 Open Access), 145,000 books, 562 book series, about 8 million conference reports. At the beginning of 2017, the database contained over 67 million bibliographic records, including over 40 million records since 1996, and in addition, about 28 million patent records. The database also indexes scientific websites. More than half of the journals in the Scopus database come from outside the US. The Scopus database also provides the Hirsch index, which is calculated based on publications from 1970.
  • WEB OF SCIENCE a collection of databases produced by Clarivate Analytics. In WoS databases, journals listed in the Master Journal List are indexed, which currently includes over 23,000 current titles, and 10,000 archival periodicals are indexed in the database. The set of licensed databases is made available on the Web of Science platform on the publisher's server. The SCIE, SSCI, AHCI, CPCI, JCR, BKCI, ESCI, CCR and IC databases are grouped as a WoS Core Collection on the server, see instructions in Polish and in a multimedia version. The entire WoS collection included over 140 million records at the beginning of 2017, of which over 94 million are available under the national license. The Core Collection package comprised approximately 65 million records, with over 59 million available under licence, including over 37 million records from 1996.
  • WILEY - the license includes 1,400 magazines from the "Full Collection 2018" collection from the exact sciences, humanities and social sciences with archives from 1997. As part of the national license, there are no magazines available outside the Full collection (108 magazines available on the Wiley platform for various scientific societies, see the additional sheet "Titles out of collection" attached to the Full Collection catalog 2018).
    In May 2016, the Wiley national license was extended to 2,450 electronic books issued in 2009 and 2015, see catalog. Electronic versions of books available under the national license for unlimited use for institutions are defined by Wiley as "o-book" as opposed to the "e-book" version sold for a single download for individual clients. Wiley magazines are available on the Wiley Online Library publisher's server.
  • WIRTUALNA BIBLIOTEKA NAUKI (WBN) - a program of purchase and sharing of world knowledge resources in the form of electronic journals, books and databases for Polish academic and scientific institutions. The program is co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and is mostly implemented by the ICM. Within WBN it is possible to purchase access to resources on publishers' servers under annual renewed licenses, but a large part of the resources are kept up to date on the Infona server.
    Furthermore, we have online access to important magazines:
  • NATURE - one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals. It appears in the form of an illustrated weekly. Nature describes discoveries in all fields of natural sciences, engineering, and the most scientific and economical scieces. This magazine has for years had one of the highest impact factor ratings from all scientific journals published worldwide. License includes access to yearbooks since 2010.
  • SCIENCE - a scientific journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The journal is a prestigious source of information on the latest and most important discoveries in the field of life sciences. The National Science License allows access to the current yearbook and archives since 1997.