Rules for borrowing books from the library of WSB-NLU
Students, faculty and employees of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – NLU can use the Library services free of charge.
The library can be used by other people after paying a one-time deposit, the amount of which is set by the Chancellor at the request of the Director of the Library (Price list of the WSB-NLU Library).
The borrower has the right to:
- Obtaining information about collections.
- Receive the librarian’s assistance in using the catalogues.
- Borrow to 10 books for period of 4 weeks.
- Extend the deadline of returning the books to another 4 weeks, if these books have not been ordered by other users
- Submit suggestions on improving library services to the Head of Library.
The borrower is obliged to:
- Show his/her student ID card.
- Personally fill in an ordering form for each book borrowed or sign the book’s card
- Observe the deadline for returning the borrowed books.
- Handle the borrowed items with care and return them after 4 weeks.
Rental for violating the Rules and Regulations:
- In case the item borrowed is lost, the user is obligated to: buy another copy of the same item or pay the three-time value of the lost book.
- In case the book is held for more than 4 weeks, the user will be charged a rental fee of 20 PLN/100 per book for each day overdue (of delay).
- Person found violating these rules and regulations may have their user’s rights suspended for a period of time or taken away permanently.
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