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Staże naukowe

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W dniach od 9-20 Stycznia 2018 odbędą się staże naukowe pn.:  " Organizacja procesu dydaktycznego, programów kształcenia, innowacyjnych technologii oraz badan naukowych". 



«Organization of Didactic Process, Educational Programs, Innovative Technologies and Scientific Work at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University»



Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University (New Sacz, Poland)



(intramural-extramural form, 12 days, 108 hours of auditorial and non-auditorial, including distance, work)

9-20 January 2018.

(09 January – 16 January – distance work,

17-20 January –  direct participation in the internship at the university on the territory of Poland)


Internship program


Module 1. The organization of the educational process and the training of students at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University.

1.1. Departments and study programs at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University.

1.2. Organization of the educational process at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University.

1.3. Possibilities of obtaining the second diploma of the United States

1.4. Internationalization of the educational process and educational opportunities at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University for students from other countries.

Module 2. Innovative technologies, scientific-methodical and informational support of educational process.

2.1. The usage of innovative technologies in the educational process.

2.2. Academic mobility of students as an integral part of the educational process at the University.

2.3. Scientific and methodological heritage of the University.

2.4. Lectures, practice and seminars in the fields of study (demonstration classes).

Module 3. Science as the basis of the educational process.

3.1. Academic Experience of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University.

3.2. Research projects and scientific publications of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University.

3.3.        Scientific work and the priorities of scientific researches of students.

3.4.        The repository of the university and the work with digital library fund.



Distance part of the internship (9-16 January) includes:

1.            Studying organization structure of the university and of academic programs using the access to official website of the University.

2.            Acquaintance with the editions of educational and methodological process (is sent to the participants via email).

3.            Studying the experience of distance education and completion of an optional distance course (the list of the subjects and the access code are given).

4.            Work with the repository of the university and with digital library fund (digital access code is given).

5.            Acquaintance with the editions of virtual lecture courses of the professors of the university on different subjects.  


Intramural part of the internship (from January 17 till January 20) includes a presentation of the university, direct acquaintance with the material and technical part of the university, auditorial and non-auditorial work in accordance with the content of the internship program, consultations, scientific discussions, work with the library fund of the university.

Participation is possible only in the organized group. The cost of the internship is 130 euros (paid to the university on arrival). The cost of the internship includes only the internship itself (presentations, various classes, consultations), an internship certificate (108 hours) and an internship program. A copy of the certificate and the application is sent to the interested person.


Issuing of the duty trip is proceeded by official invitation of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University.



Everyone who is going to participate in the internship should send the application and a scanned copy of the first page of the passport on the email address: before 25.11.2017!


Consultation on the questions of organized departure:

Irina Maksimenko phone: тел: +38 095 105 50 66; e-mail:


Contact person on the questions of the internship in Poland:

Iwona Kawka, Biuro Współpracy Zagranicznej, e-mail: 



for participation in the internship

«Organization of Didactic Process, Educational Programs, Innovative Technologies and Scientific Work at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University»

9-20 January 2018, New Sacz, Poland

Name, surname according to the foreign passport


Presence of biometric foreign passport (yes/no)


Presence of Schengen visa (yes/no for the owners of old foreign passports)


Series and number of the foreign passport


Date of birth (format dd. mm.yyyy)


Scientific degree


Academic status


The position with the name of the department


The name of the place of work / study (university) in English.


The address of residence registration








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