Repository of WSB-NLU

Repozytorium WSB-NLU
Otwarte zasoby wiedzy

The Repository of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University in Nowy Sąc

The Repository of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz is a collection of all texts published by our staff, covering all disciplines taught at the School. Learning materials and students’ dissertations are also available. The Repository is funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (DUN/2013).

The Repository is a platform for open-access scientific resources aimed at integrating the School with other sources of scientific data. The WSB-NLU Repository operates in compliance with the Regulation no 21/2012/2013 of the Rector of WSB-NLU of 18 April 2013 on Establishing and Regulating the Institutional Repository of WSB-NLU.

Authors who wish to publish documents in the Repository can contact Ms Maria Sidor PhD, WSB-NLU Library, room C/001 tel: +48 18 4499127, e-mail:

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