Małopolska Noc Naukowców in WSB-NLU

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During the first Małopolska Noc Naukowców organized by WSB-NLU on September 30, as many as 927 people had fun. The theme of MNN`22 was scientific experiments popular in Social Media.

Inauguration of the University of the First Century

Among those gathered in the main hall and practicing in the laboratory rooms, there were also the youngest 'students'. One of the points of the program was the inauguration of the University of the First Century. Looking at how much the children were involved in the workshops, with what attention they followed the activities of scientists and how inquisitive questions they asked, we can be calm about the further dynamic development of science in our region 😊

Thank you to the action partners!

Thank you for your presence and commitment - especially to the partners of the action. Together with us, MNN supported: Stowarzyszenie Sądecki Elektryk, Naukowa Wioska, Stowarzyszenie Nowosądeckie Serducho, Małopolska Noc Naukowców, Małopolska, Moc Elektryka ZSEM - Nowy Sącz, Elitarne Liceum Ogólnokształcące. 

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