Mission Statment

Misja Biblioteki
Biblioteka WSB-NLU – Łączy programy studiów i zasoby naukowe, biznesowe

The mission of WSB-NLU Library

„The mission of WSB-NLU Library is to support and improve the process of both learning and teaching through facilitating and furthering access to information resources, services and environment promoting intellectual achievement.”

Zasoby informacyjne i usługi:

Resources and services

  • Securing both hard-copy and electronic resources of the Library, concerning all disciplines represented within WSB-NLU.
  • Promoting the Library as the primary source of learning materials and information.
  • Integration of services and resources offered by the Library into the e-learning academic community.
  • Supporting research personnel and students in their research and projects. Also, undertaking internal service and research projects.
  • Providing study and research facilities to users of the Library whenever needed.
  • Providing adequate IT facilities.

Evaluation of the Library and its programme

  • Monitoring the quality of library services and the effectiveness of the library programme.
  • Improving the quality control processes within the Library.

Promotion and partnership

  • Promoting the Library as a centre of intellectual activity within the local and wider academic community.
  • Promoting information literacy useful in both research and practice.
  • Recruiting groups supporting the Library and its mission.
  • Raising additional funding (grants, projects).
  • Identifying, developing and establishing partnerships with the aim of reducing costs, expanding library collection and improving effectiveness of the Library.
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