Career Designers

The company has been on the market since 2002.

It has cooperated with companies from Poland and countries from Western Europe in areas of job provision, employees leasing and international recruitment.

For few years they concentrated on training and consulting services. Acquired experience and knowledge lead them in direction of public relations as well as efficient and professional recruitment, and today these areas have become their speciality.

The Career Designers is our partner in the field of international recruitment from countries such as Afghanistan and India. Our university has been couperating with the Career Designers for a few years and we appreciate their efficiency and professionality.

Career Designers on the official website:

Kontakt do koordynatora szkoleń dla firm
Contact details

Projektanci Kariery Sp. z o.o.Sp.k./Career Designers

Phone: +48 77 547 28 40
Adress: ul. Zielonogórska 3, 45-323 Opole

International Relations Office in WSB-NLU

Address: Poland, Nowy Sącz, ul. Zielona 27 C
Phone: 18 44 99 102
WhatsApp: +48 605 566 257
Mode: Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m till 3:00 p.m

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