Mission WSB-NLU

The mission of WSB-NLU is to achieve a unique position in Central Europe by creating an innovative, universal, practicing academic organization, which, in addition to purely educational and scientific activities, conducts application, conference, publishing and consulting activities in a variety of thematic areas. An organization not only able to meet the challenges of modern times, but also to set the standards of the future.

The first distinguishing feature

of the University from other Polish universities is its approach to students, which is best summed up by the words of Dr. Dariusz Woźniak, Rector of the WSB-NLU: "The synergy between the generation Z and the University is extremely important for the proper functioning of both parties. The first one learns from the second, while the second one is the result of striving for perfection of the first one".

The second distinguishing feature

of the WSB-NLU is the maximum emphasis on practical aspects of education. This is possible thanks to the teaching staff consisting mostly of employees of companies and institutions from many branches, constant cooperation with employers in the field of patronage over the courses and conducting classes and the educational methodology based on workshops, case studies and the project method.

The decision to choose the right university is one of the most important in everyone's life. It should be made fully consciously and with the utmost care. Therefore, we have decided to boycott the open or public days of higher education institutions - we do not organize directed and artificial campaigns with only one goal - to manipulate the candidate.

The basic principle of WSB-NLU is always keeping the door open. We do not have to prepare ourselves specially for the arrival of candidates, because in our premises high quality in every area is a common standard. Therefore, if you are considering studying at WSB-NLU, feel free to come to us whenever you want.

Choose a convenient date and see the University as it is every day - so that you can check, dear Candidate, what conditions you can study in. We will take you to any lecture you choose, you will see the campus, meet with the lecturers, maybe you will also meet your future Rector in person:)

Make an appointment for your open day: phone +48 18 44 99 101 e-mail: rekrutacja@wsb-nlu.edu.pl

Opinions of our alumni

Michał Mordarski, Entepreneur Technical Project Manager, AmericanEagle.com

WSB-NLU motivated me to act and to have the determination to achieve my professional goals.

Krzysztof Mróz - Founder of Park - M

WSB-NLU is a great place for acquiring knowledge that encourages new ideas and innovative business plans to be realized. 

Michał Klocek - Director of Hitachi Group for Central and Eastern Europe.

I highly recommend WSB-NLU due to its high-level of education and practical approach to learning.

Tomasz Ciąpała - President of the Management Board of Lancerto S.A., Businessman and Investor

I have studied in many countries but in my opinion WSB-NLU is the best place for studying. The university does not put restrictions to our ideas, instead it broadens one's horizon.

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