Another film in the summer cinema under the stars!

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We invite all motorised cinema goers to Galeria Sandecja on 17 July and 14 August👇

Were you present at the last screening?

The weather was definitely kind to us🥳 

Tomorrow - 17.07.2019r. another screening will take place!

This time we are meeting at Galeria Sandecja, in the Carrefour outdoor car park at 9pm..🎬

The title of the film will remain a surprise until the very end🎥

We can only reveal that the film will keep you in suspense until the last minute....

You don't yet know what awaits you 

It promises to be another evening full of excitement 💣

Watching this film gives us shivers, we hope you enjoy it too!


You must not be absent 💪🥰





Meeting dates:

3 July - WSB-NLU car park 

17 July - car park Galeria Sandecja  

31 July - WSB-NLU car park

14 August - car park Galeria Sandecja 

28 August - WSB-NLU car park

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