ISCAP 2019 International Week

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We have started May Day with a big bang!

And a very international one at that, all the way from Porto!

Last week saw a multi-day exchange of staff from different parts of the world - also from Our University.

Ms Magdalena Mirek, who works in the Dean's Office of our University on a daily basis, has been actively representing WSB-NLU for the last few days in the framework of the Erasmus+ project at the training event "2019 ISCAP INTERNATIONAL WEEK".

The programme for the training week was extremely interesting.

It was an opportunity to visit a very modern university, meet university authorities, exchange experiences and discuss issues related to international cooperation.

It is worth recalling that the Erasmus+ programme is an opportunity to change perspectives and broaden horizons.

Finally, it is worth adding that, apart from all its scientific and didactic qualities, Porto is simply a very charming city

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