IX edition of Run 4 a Smile is starting!

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3... 2... 1... START!
To take part in the IX edition of Run4aSmile 2022, sign up for one of the forms of running support (traditional formula, e-competition):
🔹PARTICIPATION in the competition in the traditional formula (in Miasteczko Galicyjskie) on June 4, 2022.
By May 31, 2022, sign up on the registration page:

🔹PARTICIPATION in the competition
By May 31, 2022, sign up on the registration page:

🥰 Make payments through a specially created platform: https://pomagamy.sc.org.pl/.../oplata-startowa-darowizna.../

The goal for this year is 40,000 PLN 💙

We are optimists, but we reserve the right to change the forms of organization and schedule.

More information on the website www.bieg.wsb-nlu.edu.pl

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