
Oceń ten wpis:

Our 9th edition of the Power of IT at the School of Business-National Louis University is making history!

Things were happening🧐

That we already know!

The excitement may have slowly subsided, but the impressions will live long in the memory🤗

Over the past few days, IT has taken over all of Nowy Sącz....

We connected the real world with the virtual world...

We tried to prove ... can IT dominate reality?🎮

It was very dark... It was even creepy...

And all this surrounded by extraordinary animations, special epic music, films, lasers, lighting effects 🔊

Our wonderful speakers showed what programming really is....

They presented what are the latest IT tools, non-trivial technological developments ... all so that every participant could feel the power of the Power of IT!

But that's not all...🥳

During this Power of IT 9 we combined IT with dance.... and how spectacularly!

The event slogan #LightofPI has become a reality!

We are immensely grateful to the entire PI Team for their time, their support, their exceptional hard work and their extraordinary commitment to the event, which was attended by more than 2,500 people😍

You are GREAT!

Without you it wouldn't have happened!

The whole PI Team did everything from A to Z!🙂

You worked for days and nights....

Remember, it was you, who gave a lot of positive energy for action!

It is you ... who will always come first👏

Once again, I would like to thank the entire Organising Team - all the students, graduates and staff of WSB-NLU who organised the Power of IT 9!

The Organising Team of the Show The Power of IT 9🎉

Michał Mikruta

Bartosz Homoncik

Mateusz Nachman

Kazimierz Adrian Pałka

Ewelina Karp

Kacper Szura

Adam Wróbel

Maksymilian Motyka

Krzysztof Ligas

Adrian Gródek

Grzegorz Pawlik

Marcin Świgut

Mateusz Winiarski

Konrad Kulig

Michal Mostowik

Rafał Nitzke

Roksana Drozd

Kinga Głąb

Kamil Kubik

Robert Uchman

Anna Szewczyk

Julia Galica

Kamila Kulig

Paulina Ciesielka

Krzysztof Misztal

Tomasz Jarosz

Katarzyna Smoleń

Paulina Ciesielka

Kamila Kulig

Bożena Przeciszowska

Sylwia Migacz

Monika Leszko

Anna Wielgus

Joanna Nowicka

Magdalena Michniak

Sandra Kostecka

Adrianna Giza

Sara Durlak

Amelia Łazowska

Emilia Janik

Aleksandra Musz

Marlena Polańska

Oliwia Gosztyła

Kornelia Hamernik

Maja Pawlikowska

Nikola Blicharz

Zuzanna Czajka

Emilia Mamala

Maria Mamala

Klaudia Seredyńska

Weronika Maciuszek

Katarzyna Kubowicz

Aleksandra Jankowska

Aleksandra Bodziony

Jolanta Kwiczala

Gabrysia Barnach

Iwo Plaza

Daniel Młynarczyk

Łukasz Janus

Wiktor Jezioro

Krzysztof Lipiński


Piotr Cichoński

Mateusz Gadzina

Mariusz Tabor

Andrzej Ogorzały

Hubert Drozdowski

Iwona Sroka

Małgorzata Lewczak-Kątniak

Józef Pawłowski

Marek Dyrcz

Jan Lizak

Krzysztof Jurkowski

Wojciech Bobak

Sławek Tomaszek

Przemysław Rams

Grażyna Mostowik

Bartosz Stępień

Katarzyna Homoncik

Wiktor Brzeziński

Natalia Gut

Artur Kornatka


Special thanks:

Robert Gmaj

Krzysztof Pawłowski

Dariusz Woźniak

Przemysław Bochenek

Sławomir Piętka

Jerzy Choroszczak

Sebastian Zupok

See you all next year🙌🙌





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