Małopolskie Centrum Kultury SOKÓŁ as a Patronage Organization of WSB-NLU

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WSB-NLU Patronage Agreement with MCK SOKÓŁ


Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis University with its home base in Nowy Sącz has just signed a patronage agreement with the Małopolskie Centrum Kultury SOKÓŁ in Nowy Sącz, under which MCK-SOKÓŁ obtained the status of a Patronage Organization.
The Małopolskie Centrum Kultury SOKÓŁ took the patronage over a new MBA specialty - Master of Business Administration - Culture of Regions. WSB-NLU, on the other hand, undertook to provide the party with the honorary status of a Patronage Organization for the duration of the contract. In addition, the university will prepare new courses within the specialty covered by the patronage and will allow the Patronage Organization to influence the development and modification of these courses. MCK SOKÓŁ, in turn, will enable selected students to undergo apprenticeships.

This is an important step, contributing to the development of the university, but also giving the opportunity to develop knowledge about culture to every future student of MBA - Culture of Regions course.
In the photo, the Rector of WSB - NLU, Dr. Dariusz Woźniak, prof. WSB-NLU together with the Director of the Małopolskie Centrum Kultury SOKÓŁ in Nowy Sącz - Andrzej Zarych

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