Mass for the intention of the late Kazimierz Pazgan

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We regret to inform you that Kazimierz Pazgan, the founder of Konspol, an honorary citizen of Nowy Sącz and a man who was extremely involved in the creation of the WSB-NLU from the very beginning, passed away on the night of Friday to Saturday 22 June.

He supported the University in a variety of ways - he was a kind of guarantor for the NLU Management of the functioning of the University during its most difficult early period of operation.

The late Kazimierz Pazgan was a wonderful one-man "office" for the promotion of WSB-NLU in the 1990s.

His opinion of the high quality of education was extremely powerful in the eyes of Polish employers.

A mass for the late Kazimierz Pazgan will be held this Saturday, 29 July at 6.15pm in the WSB-NLU Oratory (Building B).

To the family and loved ones, we offer our deepest condolences and sympathy.

WSB-NLU President – dr Krzysztof Pawłowski

Rector of the WSB-NLU – dr Dariusz Woźniak

WSB-NLU Chancellor – Przemysław Bochenek



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