XXI Sącz Higher Education Fair

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The 21st Sącz Higher Education Fair is over 😄 
It was interesting and original as usual 😎💪
Everyone who visited us could try their hand at transporting themselves into another dimension in the Virtual Reality Zone🤖👾😱 But most importantly, he had the opportunity to find out first-hand everything about the WSB-NLU - our students suggested which specialisation to choose, described our lecturers, talked about the events they organise and about the already legendary WSB-NLU atmosphere of internationality and openness to the world. 👍🗣👩‍🎓
All those who received a mysterious envelope during the fair 👀📩  we encourage you to use it and make a good choice.

Natali Burmay Natalia Gut Michał Kapała Mateusz Nachman Anna Szewczyk Dawid Karkoszka Bartosz Homoncik Konrad Kulig Michał Mikruta Sądeczanin HaloGorlice miastoNS.pl Radio ESKA MałopolskaNowy Sącz Nowy Sącz naszemiasto.pl

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