XXVII Polish Academic Team Programming Championships

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On 3-5 November, the University of Warsaw's Faculty of Management hosted the Polish Academic Championships in Team Programming, in which teams from the Algorithmic Circle of WSB-NLU also took part. This is one of the most prestigious programming events, attracting talent and innovation from all over Poland.

This year's edition of the competition attracted 58 three-person teams representing the best Polish universities. The competition focused on solving complex algorithmic tasks, where teams, with only one computer at their disposal, had to solve 8 to 13 programming problems in five hours using the C, C++ or Python languages.

Jagiellonian University students were successful, winning the title of Polish Champions. Our university was also represented - three teams from the Algorithmic Circle showed not only technical skills, but also perseverance and team spirit. We invite you to watch the broadcast of the championships here to get a feel for the atmosphere of this exciting competition.

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