E-Anatomy - interactive atlas of human anatomy

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E-Anatomy - interactive atlas of human anatomy


E-Anatomy is an excellent tool that will provide students with access to detailed anatomical projections from various imaging studies. There are more than 8,900 anatomical structures and more than 870,000 translated medical terms in the database, making it a rich resource. The atlas includes computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR), x-ray (X-ray) and anatomical diagrams and nuclear medicine studies.

Furthermore, E-Anatomy is available in up to 12 languages, making it easy to use for students from different countries and nationalities.

How to use E-Anatomy?

You can access the database from computers on the university's network.You also have the possibility to access remotely through the virtual lab using this link: www.imaios.com.
If you prefer to use the atlas on mobile devices, you can do so by creating a free account on the IMAIOS platform, with access to the university network or via vlab. Then download the free e-Anatomy app to your mobile device and link it to your account. This will give you offline access to the database for a period of 2 weeks, allowing you to use E-Anatomy even without internet access.
We invite everyone interested to use this new educational tool. E-Anatomy will certainly facilitate and enrich the learning process of human anatomy.

For more information, please visit our website under Library in the list of databases - Online databases.

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