How to deal with the pressure? Hate and Stress!

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Workshops of the Psychological Scientific Circle "Mechanicy Psychiki" : " How to deal with pressure? Hate and stress!


On February 21 and 22, the Psychological Scientific Circle "Mechanicy Psychiki" conducted psychoeducational workshops as part of the Week of Mental Health in the Electromechanical School Complex in Nowy Sącz.


Students learned about topics such as: stress, pressure, depression and hate.


Here are some tips for everyone on how to deal with pressure, hate and stress:

  • Look for the cause of the stress. Before you can fix a problem, you need to understand what's causing it. Think about what exactly causes you stress, hate or pressure.
  • Adopt positive thinking. Always try to look at situations from a positive point of view. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, look for ways that can help you solve the problem.
  • It's not worth comparing yourself to other people. Hate can result from comparing yourself to others, jealousy and lack of self-confidence. Instead of comparing yourself with others, focus on your goals and progress.
  • It is worth taking care of your physical health. Physical health has a huge impact on mental health. Try to take care of your body through a healthy diet, regular physical activity and good sleep.
  • Find your ways to deal with stress. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress. You can try different techniques like meditation, yoga, breathing training, or aromatherapy to find the ones that work best for you.
  • Find support. You don't have to deal with pressure, stress and hate alone. Seek support from family, friends, a therapist, or a support group.
  • When we're stressed or hate others, it's easy to forget about empathy and respect for other people. Try to apologize for your mistakes and forgive others so that you can focus on positive relationships and mutual respect.

Remember that dealing with pressure, stress and hate is a process. Don't expect to be able to solve everything in one day. Be patient and open to what works best for you.



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