International Cooking Day 2019- Cuisines from 13 countries!

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On December 7th, the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis University will host the next edition of International Cooking Day❤️

During the event we will be raising funds to build a new home for Julia and Kamila Tubek🎁

The girls suffer from spinal muscular atrophy and have to use wheelchairs.

The family cannot afford to adapt the house for disabled people.

Taste dishes prepared by WSB-NLU students coming from other countries, while supporting a charity collection👍

The programme will include a tasting of traditional dishes from 13 different countries:














During the event, there will be the opportunity to use Virtual Reality, try out alco- and narco-goggles and listen to numerous performances by local artists, which we will write about later.

Accompanying events will be a lecture for children from the WSB-NLU Children's First Age University, during which there will be a Santa Claus party💪

Everyone will be able to meet students from almost every continent, exchange views, experiences or simply talk about the culture and customs of our friends💥

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