Małopolska Researchers' Night at WSB-NLU 2023 !

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Małopolska Researchers' Night at WSB-NLU 2023 !

On Friday evening, the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis University became the centre of scientific attractions for the inhabitants of Malopolska. As part of the Małopolska Researchers' Night, the university opened its doors to more than 2,500 people, who had the opportunity to participate in unusual workshops, demonstrations and experiments.

Attractions included explosive demonstrations, a chemist's zone, ozobots, dobots and experiments with helium and liquid nitrogen. Children watched with interest how 3D printing is created and also had the opportunity to learn more about cryptocurrencies. For the youngest visitors, there was a special zone with non-Newtonian fluid, LEGO bricks, ozobots or dobots. Also of great interest was the monochrome room, where volunteers from the Nowy Sącz Heart Association painted children's faces and decorated them with sparkling zircons.

Worth mentioning was the optical laboratory, which surprised the participants with unusual optical illusions. Equally interesting were the experiments in the helium laboratory, where everyone could hear how this gas changes the sound of the voice, and the laboratory with liquid nitrogen and hydrogen bombs. However, it was the spectacular demonstration with the explosive barrel that became the highlight of the evening, which will certainly be remembered for a long time by all those present.

The success of this event is mainly thanks to the WSB-NLU students involved in its organisation, the volunteers of the Nowosądeckie Serducho Association, secondary school volunteers and students of the Elite IT Technical School, the Horyzont360 Foundation, the Scientific Village, the Pedagogical Provincial Library from Nowy Sącz, and the WSB-NLU staff. A big thank you also goes to Sebastian Łatka of CTS-Audio and his helpers, who provided a powerhouse of excitement throughout the night during the explosive shows in the main Auditorium.

It was a magical time full of learning, fun and unforgettable experiences. The event confirmed that science can be fascinating and accessible to everyone, regardless of age.

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