The day the idea triumphed - 4 June 1989

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Thirty years ago, on 4 June 1989, the first partially free parliamentary elections took place in Poland. 🇵🇱

This date marked the beginning of the fall of communism in Poland.

Democracy won and a civil society was born - an informed, active and supportive one 🇵🇱♥️

It is also a special date for WSB- NLU....

Probably not many people know or remember that the first founder of the WSB-NLU, Dr Krzysztof Pawłowski, won the Senate election on 4 June 1989.

" (...) In June 1989, I jumped into the darkness, because that's how the decision to run for Parliament at the time could be described, completely unaware that a return to my previous life would not be possible.  Already at the very beginning of my "new life", i.e. in October 1989, something happened that turned my life completely upside down in the next few years. And then, it happened.... I started building the School. I dreamt it up, I did it because I was irresponsible. When I saw my first 64 listeners, I thought I couldn't let them down(...)"

We want to celebrate this time - to be together ✌️

On this occasion, a conference entitled Business effects of the 'end of communism' on the thirtieth anniversary of the elections will be held on 7 June at the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National - Louis University, organised by the Beskid Social Initiative Association.

We count on you to come... because we made and are making history too!

#4czerwca Celebration of Freedom and Solidarity 🇵🇱

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