The Sadecki Couriers' Race or an expedition to Przehyba!

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The Sącz Courier Run and Rally took place last Sunday. The historical event entitled 'The Sadecki Couriers' Run and Rally', organised by the Visegrad Marathon Rytro Association and the Polish Tatra Society Beskid Branch in Nowy Sącz, is an extraordinary opportunity to bring back the memory of the couriers who carried out heroic missions in the Beskid Sądecki during the German occupation. The event aims to provide an insight into the route taken by the couriers under conditions of strict conspiracy, which formed the border between the First Slovak Republic and the General Government. The route of the run leads from the Rytro railway station through the slopes of Kanarkówka, passing the famous Rytro windmills, up to Wdżary and the Wietrzne Dziury Nature Reserve, reaching an altitude of 1038 m above sea level. It is not only a sporting challenge, but also a tribute to heroes whose paths have inadvertently become overgrown with time, but whose courage and sacrifice will always be in our memories.

It is also an ideal opportunity to combine the run with a team-building trip for students! On 15th October, nearly 40 people set off from Rytro on a mountain expedition. The route of around 11 km with an impressive 800 metres of elevation gain was a real challenge, but everyone overcame all difficulties with a smile.

At the summit, there was the traditional sausage roast, which made the whole event even more enjoyable. It was a real meeting in a sporting spirit, full of laughter and positive energy.

We would like to thank all participants for their participation and good humour, and PTT BESKID branch in Nowy Sącz for organising this event. There could not have been a better opportunity for integration among students.

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