'Your teenager needs you'. Conference on young people's mental health behind us

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No one needs to be convinced of the importance of a positive attitude and harnessing the potential of young people. Therefore, this year's conference was mainly devoted to learning about methods and solutions to help young people strengthen their mental condition. The meeting we attended was organised by Polish, Lithuanian and Maltese researchers within the framework of Erasmus+ and the 'Youth Positive Potential' project.

How was it? Very informative, which you could also find out about by attending the conference in Nowy Sącz or online via our CloudA platform. We hope you took part, because the knowledge imparted was of the highest standard! What was there to learn? Among other things, how much young people need adults - including parents, teachers or anyone who can provide them with support and will not belittle even seemingly trivial problems. In addition, we talked about the dangers that a pandemic and the war in Ukraine could pose to the child psyche.

We hope that the meeting with Polish and foreign experts helped to develop the knowledge not only of parents, but also of our students. For us, it was an opportunity to learn even more about methods of supporting young people and how to help them solve problems. After all, they are our future and their health should be our priority!


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